Page 78 - Peter Randall - The Craft of the Knot
P. 78

STEP  1 Pass  the  running  end  over  and  around  the  pole,  crossing  over  the  standing
  part, and behind the pole.

  STEP 2 Bring the running end from behind the pole and up over the standing part.

  STEP 3 Tuck the end under the center X-shaped part of the knot. If you are able to

  place  the  Constrictor  Knot  at  the  end  of  the  pole  or  another  object,  you  can  use  the
  following method.

  STEP 4 Make a single turn around the end of the pole, then pull down on the bottom
  part of the turn and twist it to make a crossing turn.
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