Page 3 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
P. 3


               The  e-Boook  set  out  to  see  if  they  could  find  any  success  using  sustainable  green

               economic  models in  food  security  initiatives.  This  will  be  achieved  through  the use  of

               organic  fertilizers,  which  have  the  potential  to  protect  agricultural  land  in  the  Pinrang
               Regency's natural ecosystems for the long term while also providing economic benefits to

               local farmers through the sale of agricultural products like fisheries and plantations. The
               results  showed  that  the  farmers'  standard  of  living  may  increase  if  a  green  economy

               program were implemented to improve agricultural production outcomes. This would be

               achieved by increasing both rice production and field growth through the use of organic
               fertilizers by two-time profit. In qualitative research, the researcher is actively engaged in

               testing the  study  hypothesis through  methods  such  as  in-depth  interviews with  users,
               direct observation, and document analysis. This study is conducted to evaluate qualitative

               research strategies. The goal of this qualitative study is to better understand how organic

               fertilizer use affects crop yields, and by extension, how much of an increase in farmers'
               standard of living may be expected from adopting this practice. The program implies that

               agricultural  activities  with  a  green  economy  program  can  increase  agricultural  quality,
               farmer competence in a green economy, and farming activity unity in carrying out duties

               and responsibilities collectively in environmental protection. That's because the program
               is meant to complement green economy initiatives currently in place in the agricultural


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