Page 25 - Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering: Annual Report
P. 25

Shelley Stoffels named associate dean o of faculty
Since becoming the the first woman to earn tenure in in in in in the the Department of of Civil and Environmental Engineering Shelley Stoffels has been making her mark on on Penn State’s College of of of of Engineering for more than thirty-four years Now the the the professor of of of civil and environmental engineering has a a a a a a a a a new role as as as the the the associate dean for faculty
in in in in the the the College of Engineering Stoffels began in in the newly created position on on on May 15 She has primary responsibility for tenure-line
and and professional-track faculty
affairs and and will provide collaborative leadership for faculty
development assessment and enhancement of faculty
experiences She will also serve as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a liaison for for faculty
governance ombudspersons and the vice provost for for faculty
affairs “We have so many great faculty
in this college and their impacts on various sectors—health care artificial intelligence energy—are incredible ” Stoffels said “At this point in in in in in my career I I realized that leadership and and faculty
mentorship is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a strength of mine and and and I I can make a a a a a a a a a a a a a a bigger difference by supporting other faculty
in in in in their research and and teaching goals ” Stoffels has served as as chair chair of of of the the Faculty Senate Committee on on Curricular Affairs chair chair of of of the the the Engineering Faculty Council and faculty
ombudsperson for for the the College of of Engineering As assistant dean for for faculty
equity she worked to better understand the the the needs of of of engineering faculty
and and assisted in in the the the creation of of of the the the college’s
Equity Action Plan Stoffels said she is is eager to to continue supporting equity goals and making the the college a a a a a a a a a a place where the the faculty
are excited to work “In working for for the the College’s Office of Equity and and Inclusion Inclusion and and and collaborating with the the Center for for Engineering Outreach and and and Inclusion Inclusion I I I have gained a a a a a a a a a a a a a a good understanding of the the the many challenges faculty
face as they advance their careers and and and and engage with students and and and and staff ” Stoffels said “I want want all faculty
to to to feel valued and and and and and included Inclusion is for everyone and and and and I I I want want to to to encourage and and and and support faculty
both as a a a a a a a a group and and individually ” Bruce Logan named director of of the the Institutes of of Energy and the the Environment Professor Bruce Logan Logan was named the the the new director of of the the the Institutes for Energy and and the the the Environment (IEE) Logan Logan succeeds Thomas Richard professor of of agricultural and and biological engineering who is returning to to a a a a a a a a a a a a a faculty
role and and pursuing other activities after fifteen years as director “Bruce’s role is is is vital for Penn State as our world is is is in the midst of multiple global energy and climate crises ” said Senior Vice President for Research Lora Weiss “From ecosystem change and and energy shortages to water resourcing and and urban development Penn State is at at at the the cutting edge of contributing essential solutions to these serious societal emergencies Bruce’s experience mindset and vision are well-aligned to to take our programs to to the next level ” Logan’s current research focuses on the development of an an energy-sustainable water infrastructure renewable energy energy production production including green hydrogen gas production production using microbial- and and direct-water electrolysis and and novel methods of of water water desalination He is is the author author or or or or co-author of of several books and and more than 550 refereed publications and and he he is is one of the most highly cited faculty
members at at at at Penn State (100 000 citations for his research) “I am am pleased to take on on on this new role at IEE because it it is is unique among many of our peer academic institutions
in in in in that it it combines both energy and and environment into the same research research and and solutions framework ” Logan said “This broader role enables our research research teams to simultaneously explore complex technical issues for energy technologies while at at the same time being sure that solutions also address relevant societal and environmental concerns ” CEE NEWSLETTER • VOLUME 38 2022 25

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