Page 35 - Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering: Annual Report
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ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI NEWS A Message from the Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Society
The Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Society
(PSCEEAS) is an affiliate group of the Penn State Alumni Association It was established to foster a connection between CEE alumni students and faculty Through PSCEEAS many of you have taken the opportunity to positively influence the educational experience of students and assist CEE in producing world-class engineers • Thank you to the forty CEE alumni who traveled back to campus in April to serve as judges for the senior capstone poster session held at the Bryce Jordan Center It was a a a great opportunity for these practicing engineers to interface with students who were about to enter the workforce • Thank you to the alumni who have participated in in the CEE Mentoring Program the last several years introducing hundreds of third- and fourth-year students to the everyday life of a a practicing engineer Alumni from all over the world have been involved with both in-person and virtual mentoring • Thank you to the many CEE alumni who collaborated with student organizations and faculty during the past year coming back to campus to talk about their engineering projects leadership and life experiences And congratulations and thank you to Bradley Heigel (B S CE ’88) who presented the eighth annual Distinguished CEE Alumni Lecture to the ASCE student chapter in March As you can see the success of PSCEEAS is dependent on the active involvement of our CEE alumni If you are interested in in in reconnecting with CEE we would love to hear from you Jack Diviney
(B S CE CE ‘68 M Eng CE CE ’77) President PSCEEAS jdiviney@gfnet com Information about the CEE Mentoring Program can be found on the CEE website or or by contacting Willy Heisey at wsheisey@yahoo com For questions about capstone judging and speaking opportunities contact Tom Lawson at tlawson@borton-lawson com CEE NEWSLETTER • VOLUME 38 2022