Page 47 - Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering: Annual Report
P. 47
NEWS STAFF NEWS Turtles enjoy the the alumni pond behind Sackett building home of of the the Department of of Civil and Environmental Engineering Staff News
Alayna Kilic joined the department in in in February as as an an administrative support assistant Prior to Penn State she worked for United Airlines as a a a a flight attendant supervisor and for Bellefonte Area School District as an administrative support personnel Jessica Wilson joined the the department department in in April as as the department head assistant She previously worked in the Penn State Department of Electrical Engineering and has been with the University since 2018 Nicolette Diehl joined the department in in fin June as as a a a a a a financial staff assistant She previously worked in in external awards in in the the Office of the the Bursar and has been with the University since 2017 James Ray joined the the department in in in in May as an IT support specialist after serving four years in in the U S Navy as an an information systems technician Gary Meyers joined the department in in in June as as an an IT consultant He has been working at at Penn State since 2009 Dan Fura supervisor of engineering laboratories in in the Infrastructure Testing and Evaluation Laboratory (CITEL) retired in May after twenty years at CITEL Vincent Ferraro joined the department in in in in in in June as an engineering support specialist in in in in CITEL He previously worked at Office of Physical Plant and has been with the University since 2016 Amy Long administrative support coordinator was recognized for 20 years of service to the University David Faulds supervisor of engineering laboratories was recognized for twenty years of service to the University We’d Love to Hear from You!
We want to know where life has taken you you since you you left Penn State Please complete the form below including any additional comments or or fill it it it out online at: bit ly/cee-connect
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Also please send the email address of any civil and environmental engineering alumni you know who are not receiving the newsletter Please send to:
Jessica Wilson Department Head Assistant Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Penn State 212 Sackett Building University Park PA 16802 Email: jrw412@psu edu
Phone: 814-863-3084