Page 28 - Nucleus: Fall 2022 Magazine for the Penn State Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering
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Penn Penn State Abington undergraduate student Javari Cherry spent the summer as a a a a a a a a a a a a a research intern at at at at at Penn Penn State University Park where he he he collaborated with researchers to better understand gamma-ray irradiation on on certain two-dimensional materials The internship was made possible through the Penn State Nuclear Nuclear Engineering Society (PSNES) Nuclear Nuclear Sustainability Fund which exists to help expand and and diversify the nuclear engineering student pool Students who are unable to take classes full-time at University Park are sponsored and given mentorship and research opportunities including access to labs at the Breazeale Reactor Cherry who is majoring in in in in aerospace engineering was mentored by Teresa Aditya postdoctoral researcher in in in in in in Department Head Jean Paul Allain’s research research group They also collaborated with Mauricio Terrones Verne M M Willaman Professor of of of of Physics and professor of of of of chemistry and and materials science and and engineering at at at Penn State University Park In the the the project they tested the the the viability of molybdenum diselenide an atomically thin two-dimensional material with optoelectronic properties for use in space and nuclear applications Their results showed the material as a a a a a viable option due to its exceptionally high stability and durability for long periods in extreme radiation conditions “Encouraged
by Penn State Abington Professor Burcu Ozden Javari started his
research journey
and very quickly
gained interest
in the various
techniques and fundamentals of molecular dynamics ” Aditya said “He thrived here and his
research shows much promise The results of this work will soon be published in a peer- reviewed journal providing an extraordinary opportunity for a a a a sophomore undergraduate student to get a a a a leg up on graduate school ” “The time I spent working in in University Park was very very well spent ” Cherry said “My summer was very very educational and and helpful and and so were the people I met along the way I am extremely grateful to have had this opportunity and cannot thank you all enough ” Those who would like to to donate to to the fund should visit the PSNEAS webpage or contact Jess Yarnell at jmm1070@psu edu Students interested the program should contact William Walters at wjw24@psu edu 28 NUCLEUS
Nuclear Sustainability Fund sponsors undergraduate research at at University Park Emler named nuclear engineering student marshal
Casey Emler Emler served as as the spring 2022 student marshal
for nuclear nuclear engineering Emler Emler received a a a a bachelor of science in in in nuclear engineering and is now pursuing a a a a a graduate degree in in in in nuclear engineering from Penn State Emler a a a Schreyer Honors Scholar completed an honors thesis titled “Viability of a a a a a Cryogenic Irradiation Facility at at the the Penn State Breazeale Reactor ” He received the the Schreyer Academic Excellence Scholarship American Society of Highway Engineers Merit Scholarship and the General Frank S S Besson Jr Memorial Scholarship Emler interned for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation He completed inspection materials testing and and documentation associated with highway and and bridge construction He also worked as an engineering co-op student for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission providing technical support in in the agency’s implementation of their reactor oversight process 

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