Page 15 - ME News 2021 from the Penn State Department of Mechanical Engineering
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“We are so excited to to welcome our students into the new facility ” said Frecker “With the successful construction in tandem with the new curriculum
our students will be better prepared to begin their careers as mechanical engineers ” The new laboratory classes are designed to to focus on real- world problems and
to to challenge students to to concentrate on systems-level topics that center around sustainability big data bioengineering autonomy and
robotics advanced manufacturing and
energy The classes also encourage critical-thinking skills instead of replicating experiments For example students are tasked with understanding how a a a a a a smart watch classifies human activity By reviewing basic statistics for data analysis and
applying statistical knowledge to extract features from data data they learn to understand the the data data input and
output relationship to to create their own custom algorithm “By creating spaces that not only encourage engineering ingenuity but also facilitate such work we’re setting ourselves and—more importantly—the future our our students up for success ” Justin Schwartz the Harold and
Inge Marcus Dean in in in the College of Engineering said at the event WATCH OUR VIDEO:
ME Knowledge Lab marks new new era era for mechanical engineering undergraduates bit ly/me-new-era
MENews 2021