Page 17 - ProductPresentation_BrandProtection
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                         VISA                                                     Card Manufacturing and Chip Embedding

                         MASTERCARD                                               Card Manufacturing and Chip Embedding

                         JCB                                                      License Certificate for Manufacturer

                         WALT DISNEY                                              Facility and Merchandise Authorization

                         Common Criteria EAL 5+                                   Embedding of smartcard into inlays & similar products

                                                                               Mastercard Global Vendor Cer�fica�on Program
                                                                               Cer�ficate of Compliance
                                                                               Cer�ficate Holder:
                                                                               PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa TBK
                                                                               Lingkar Timur Desa Banjarsari
                                                                               Kecamatan Buduran
                                                                               Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur  61252
                                                                                              Card Produc�on        Mobile Provisioning
                                                                               This cer�ficate provides evidence that the security   Card Manufacturing  Trusted Service Manager
                                                                               configura�on of the facility located at the address stated
                                                                               above has been assessed and is sufficiently compliant with   Chip Embedding  Creden�al Management
                                                                               the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Card Produc�on and   Card Personaliza�on
                                     18 March 2021                             Provisioning Security Requirements to perform the checked   Chip Personaliza�on
                                                                               ac�vi�es.  The stated facility is not authorized to perform
                                                                               services that are not checked.  The Mastercard Cer�fica�on        PIN
                                     Hendra Saputra                            Body has issued this cer�ficate valid un�l April 30, 2021.  Mailing
                                     PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa, Tbk                       Electronic Distribu�on
                                     Jl. Raya Lingkar Timur Km. 1,
                                     Desa Banjarsari - Buduran, Sidoarjo,
                                     East Java 61252,                                April 1, 2020  _________________
                                     Indonesia                                 ________________________  Issuance Date  Cer�ficate Number
                                                                               Werner Fischer
                                                                               On Behalf of MasterCard
                                     RE: Annual Letter of Approval             Mastercard
                                                                                     April 30, 2021
                                                                                     __________________   207504  90903
                                     Dear Hendra Saputra,                      2000 Purchase Street                   Expira�on Date  Customer ID  Billing ICA
                                                                               Purchase, New York 10577 USA

                                     The purpose of this letter is to confirm that PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa, Tbk located in East Java,
                                     Indonesia, has been approved by Visa to provide the following approved vendor services:

                                         Card Manufacturer;
                                         Chip Embedder;
                                         Chip Pre-Personalizer;
                                         Card Personalizer – IC, Magnetic Stripe

                                     Your registration as a Visa approved vendor is contingent upon your firm’s ongoing compliance
                                     with the security requirements and the Approved Vendor Program Agreement. An onsite
                                     security assessment is required each year to validate compliance with Visa’s program.

                                     Your registration as a Visa approved vendor will be valid until 31 March 2022. Your approval
                                     and approved services are posted on Visa’s Global Registry of Service Providers

                                     If you have questions concerning this letter, please contact Visa at


                                     Daniel Chua Tong Siang
                                     Senior Director
                                     Ecosystem Risk
                                     Visa Worldwide Pte Ltd
                                     Robinson Road
                                     Post Office Box 597
                                     Singapore 901147
                                     Co. Reg. No. 200719281K
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