Page 20 - How to Create $1600 per Month Niche Websites for Passive Income
P. 20

There are others, but most are not
  important for this method, and these are

  the essential ones that you will need to
  If you think you have a good niche, put

  your idea to the test by seeing if it
  follows these criteria:

  (Note: this list of criteria is a list of
  guidelines. Your niche does not have to
  fit all of them, but it is best if it does to
  maximize profit. Each criterion is given

  a point value of 1-3 depending on how
  important it is that your niche have it,
  and at the end you can tally up your
  niches and see which got the most

  points, as well as which you believe you
  would be most interested in promoting
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