Page 2 - Fifty-fifty July 2021
P. 2

The Ministry will have the leadership, mana and
             visibility to influence decision-making across
             government to ensure better outcomes for ethnic
             communities. It will engage with communities and
             continue to provide other services that ethnic
             communities have said they value, such as the Ethnic
             Communities Development Fund, Multilingual
             Information Network and Nominations Service. It will
             be committed to promoting the benefits of ethnic
             diversity and already offers an Intercultural Capability
             eLearning programme to support this. This
             introductory programme is aimed at increasing
             people's cultural understanding to better interact or
             communicate with people from different backgrounds.
                                                                              Melvin Singham

             The recent Budget provided an additional $5.3 million  A number of key themes emerged from these
             funding for the new Ministry over the next four years.  sessions. Issues like health, education, housing,
             This comes after the $4.686 million already agreed by  employment, access to government services and
             Cabinet in December 2020 and continues the trend of  tackling racism came through as important to people
             increased funding for the ethnic communities’   across our communities. As people we need and want
             portfolio since March 2019.                     the same things. Better health outcomes, an education
                                                             system that allows all of our children to thrive,
             The work of the new Ministry will be driven by the  economic opportunities, and a society that respects
             needs and priorities of ethnic communities. Minister  everyone's ethnicity and culture.
             Radhakrishnan will set the new organisation's
             direction and she has already said that she wants her  There is work to do and the new, independent Ministry
             priorities to reflect those of our communities.  will provide a platform for change. Aotearoa New
                                                             Zealand won't be transformed overnight, shifting
             Prior to the new Ministry being established, the Office  culture takes time and effort. The issues and priorities
             of Ethnic Communities ran a number of sessions in  that came out of the sessions come under the remit of
             towns and cities across the country, seeking input  different Government agencies. Clearly the new
             from members of ethnic communities and community  Ministry will have a role to lobby and influence across
             leaders. NZIA attended one of those sessions to  Government.
             advise on what was important to the Indonesian
             community and, where the new Ministry should focus  NZIA is looking forward to working closely with the new
             its efforts to start with.                      Ministry and supporting it as best it can. (/NL)
                                                             This article is an expansion of what Anusha Guler, Executive Director,
                                                             Office of Ethnic Communities, wrote in the “Ethnic Voices” newsletter
                                                             of 1 June 2021.

             FIFTYFIFTY | ISSUE 17                                                                             2
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