Page 43 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 43

Now when Tracey got me home
                  And looked at my chin
                  She said, “I’d better use the phone
                  And give Mummy a ring.”

                  So Mummy came home
                     as quick as a flash
                  She looked at my chin
                  And saw the gash.
                  “We’ll take you to hospital
                  And see what they say.”
 First Accident at School  Yesterday at school was not a

                     nice day.
 Yesterday at school was not a nice day.
 I was running in the corridor  The doctor stuck plaster all
 To go out to play     over my chin
 When my left foot went out  It will soon be better to play
 And my right foot went in     the violin.
 And I fell on the floor
 And bumped my chin.  But next time at school
                  When you go out to play
 A great big cut and blood everywhere  Tell your left foot
 Oh, what shall we do?  And right foot
 We can’t leave her there.  To go the same way.
 Ring for Tracey, she’ll come and fetch her  Yesterday at school was not a
 And take her home on the school stretcher.     nice day.

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