Page 10 - Hyatt Regency Morristown - Client Portfolio (Nov 2020)
P. 10
Construction Manager:
• Oversee Design Team
and Subcontractors
• Prepare and Negotiate Cost
Estimates, Budgets and Timelines
• Manage the Development Process
• Schedule and Coordinate all
Construction Processes
• Monitor Financials
• Simplify Contracts
Quality is not an Act. It is a Habit.
The importance of Quality Control goes longstanding quality control measures to
beyond inspecting finished parts. It is at proactively seek and confirm construction
the core of how we balance cost, time, procedures are followed to ensure all
and quality during our projects. Ensuring stakeholders remain on the same page
quality workmanship is as critical as and working towards a successful project
safety, budget, and scheduling. We utilize completion.
(301) 330-1650