Page 3 - 2020-2021-Heroes-Program-Bklt-v4
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6:30 p.m. Reception
7:30 p.m. Welcoming Remarks
Tiffany Hoerter, Assistant Director, Member Programs, American Chemical Society
7:40 p.m. Dinner
8:00 p.m. Virtual Show: Doors Open
For those of you attending the event virtually, please help us celebrate and congratulate awardees
using the interactive chat feature.
8:30 p.m. Awards Ceremony
Introductory Remarks
Thomas M. Connelly, Jr., Chief Executive Officer, American Chemical Society
Congratulatory Remarks
H.N. Cheng, President, American Chemical Society
Lisa Houston, ACS Board of Directors, American Chemical Society
Introduction Video: Heroes of Chemistry
2020 recipients
AST Products, Inc.
Recipients: William Lee
Recipients: William Budinger, Marty DeGroot, David James, MaryJo Kulp, Harry McClain,
Bainian Qian, John Roberts
Recipients: Tina Arrowood, Steven Jons, Steven Rosenberg
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson
Recipients: Koen Andries, Jerome Guillemont, Anil Koul
2020 Executive Speeches
AST Products, Inc.: William Lee, Vice President of R&D and Regulatory Affairs
DuPont: Cathie Markham, Vice President of R&D, Electronics & Industrial
DuPont: Gary Gu, Senior Global Technology Director
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson: Emma Parmee, Global Head Discovery Sciences
#HeroesofChemistry 3