Page 27 - myStory-myJourney (Demo 1)_Neat
P. 27
myStory-myJourney (Rev 2.1)
Clark AFB, Phiippines
A er arriving in the Philippines, I literally got on my knees and kissed the ground. Before
enlis ng in the Air Force in had contemplated on enlis ng in the Navy. Boy! Did I make the right
decision! I [………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……]
Six months a er arriving at Clark AFB, as radar technical, my crew chief was transferred to the
“Inspect repair as necessary (IRAN)” team. The team is normally made up of
NonCommissioned Officers (NCOs). A er pulling strings and because I had a Top-Secret Crypto
Clearance, my crew chief got me assigned to the team. […………………………………………………………]
The du es of our IRAN team were to visit other Air Force AC&W sites thought out Southeast
Asia. A er comple ng inspec on and repair of a sites electronic equipment’s we would move
on to other sites, including Okinawa, Guam, and Taiwan. We […………………………………………………]