Page 3 - Proteum Energy EtOH Brochure Flipbook
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Leveraging • Lower cost / lower energy / lower CI
Synergies to • 80-100 proof beer cuts for plant integration and feedstock optimization
Clean Hydrogen | Low Emissions Fuel | Carbon Sequestration Create a • Optimize use of thin stillage and fusels
Proteum Energy™ opens new markets to ethanol producers by reforming ethanol into Competitive • Waste heat recovery integration
renewable clean hydrogen. Advantage in • Complimentary joint development with credit worthy counter party at your site
Ethanol’s future isn’t limited to combustion fuels. Ethanol can now be reformed into fuel The Low Carbon • Pre- and post-combustion CO 2 sequestration credits (160 TPD / unit)
cell hydrogen using Proteum’s proprietary SnMR technology. Partnering with Proteum,
ethanol plants can produce zero-emissions fuel to power fuel cell electric vehicles Fuel Market • Patented SnMR™ reformation enhances LCFS credits
(FCEVs), hydrogen powered electrical standby systems, and hydrogen blended fuels for • Potential negative CI LCFS pathways
reciprocating engines and turbines.
• Supports “return to home” fueling for H 2 at every ethanol plant
With low carbon intensity (CI) ethanol and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) the CI • Benefit from Proteum ‘s local H 2 o£ take partner relationships
of Proteum’s produced clean hydrogen for FCEVs can be negative, yielding the ethanol
producer significant credits and tax benefits. • Participate in Proteum H 2 truck OEM national TCO contacts
• Leverage Proteum partnerships with significant global H 2 fuel traders
In a market expected to grow to $2.5T by 2050, clean, renewable hydrogen
o ers the ethanol industry a bright and profitable opportunity.
Leading Fuel Cell
2050 Leading Fuel Cell
Electric Vehicle
Fleet Owners
State Targets Incenting Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEV)
States have set zero emissions targets for new vehicles sales and existing truck operations
2030 15 States and the California will California will California will California will California Fuel Cell
2020 District of Columbia require 5% of new require drayage require all new require all trucks Partnership estimates
truck sales to be
$2.63B will require 30% of ZEV by 2024 and to be ZEV car sales to be operating in the 70,000 Fuel Cell
by 2035
ZEV by 2035
new truck sales to
Electric Trucks in
State to be ZEV
be ZEV by 2030 40% by 2032 by 2045 California by 2035
Reforming Ethanol into
Hydrogen Provides a
Profitable New Market for Our
Ethanol Producer Partners
A partnership with Proteum Energy enables
ethanol producers to leverage their existing
assets and operations to target the
zero-emissions fuel cell transportation market.