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                     Tahoe                                                                                                      Tilt-Up / Pass-Thru / Awning                                                                                                                        Biometrics                                      Exterior Tamperproof Keypad
                     The Tahoe motor is our most recent release of our Base Series Motors operating a lighter door              Two motors are required for each tilt-up configuration. Our electric actuators can handle a sash weight of up to 400 lbs. A                          Fingerprint Access                              The illuminated exterior keypad works
                     system. The Tahoe is very compact and fits within most jambs with a cover available.                        variety of sizes are available and customizable, including 5’ tall x 10’ wide (weighs 300 lbs.) and 6’ tall x 8’ wide (weighs 400 lbs.).            Control access and functions                    great in any weather condition and is
                                                                                                                                All cabling will be done and hidden, and when the actuators are fully extended, they are out of the way (allowing easy
                     Sierra                                                                                                     clearance to walk under the open window). Covers are available for the actuators to conceal them from the inside and the                            using your fingerprint and you                   completely waterproof. Entering the
                     The Sierra motor moves up to 3 operable panels (depending on weight) and has a ultra slim profile.          outside view is covered by the sash.                                                                                                             5”  can authorize other users and                  proper code will send an open signal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    administrators to do the same!
                     Peak                                                                                                       When closed, the panel is pulled up against the weather stripping and seals without the need to throw any of the manual                             •  Highly secure                             7”  to the control box and give you access
                     The Peak is our flagship motor moving a majority of the systems we automate up to 8                         locks. Also, once the panel is in the fully closed position, it cannot be pulled out manually.                                                      •  Unlocks & locks                              from the exterior of the door unit. Its
                     panels depending on panel size and weight.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     •  Opens & closes                               slim 2” x 7” frame looks great on any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    exterior application.
                     Everest                                                                                                   CONTROL OPTIONS                                                                                                                                      •  Up to 99 profile users
                     The Everest is capable of moving massive heavy door panels with an unlimited amount                                                                                                                                                                            •  Keeps track of who is
                     of panels.  Before the Everest, any very long and heavy door system would require two                     Flexible Adjustable Speed Technology (FAST/+)                                                                                                          present in the house or building
                     motors as a bi-part, not anymore!                                                                         Our much-anticipated latest software that allows all of our motor systems to enjoy a quick open feature thanks to our                                •  Allows for time-restricted and
                                                                                                                               variable speed technology (VST) solution and allows for the motor to slow down as it picks up the next panel for a smooth                              limited-time authorization                                               2.75”
                                                                                                                               but quick opening. In case you didn’t know, all motors have the variable speed technology capability, however, it takes an              1.5”         •  Can be integrated with other      Wave Motion Sensor
         CONFIGURATIONS:                                                                                                       expert to utilize this feature without causing harm to doors, homes, or persons. Summit is the UL 325 certified door                                    home automation controls           Our Wave Motion Sensor is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •  Bluetooth enabled and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the perfect hands-free
                                                                                                                               automation system supplier in North America and is ETL Listed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      can also be controlled via         solution allowing you to open
               INVERTED                Inverted or K2                                                                                   2.5”          9-in-1 Touchscreen                              Wall Switch Kits                                                        2.75”    phone app                         the door without even
                                       When there is limited space behind either side of the door system (no stud bay or                              • 2.5” wide by 3.5” high               1.5”     The wall switch kit comes standard with every                                                                      pressing a button. To operate                   4.5”
                                       only a glass curtainwall), all of our motors can be mounted as Inverted (upside                                • 90% LED Glass                                 system to open, close, stop, and unlock your                                                                       your precision automated
                                       down) or as K2 (horizontally mounted with an aerospace-rated precision                                         • Timer Functions                               doors, with only the push of a button. It can also                                                                 system simply wave your
                                       automated gear box). Both Inverted and K2 can hold an incredibly tight tolerance                                                                          4”   enable and disable our self-close & auto-open                                                                      hand in front of the sensor
                        K2                                                                                                                            • Auto Brightness
                                       with numerous extension shafts allowing motors to be placed immediately above                                  • Security Enabled                              as well as FAST/+ speed control features and                                                                       and the door will automatically
                                       the door or up in the rafters without worrying about shaft flexing.                                          3.5”  • Camo Mode (Hidden)                         may be 4 digit security code enabled. Wall               Remote Fob Kits                                           open with an adjustable
                    FMS                                                                                                                               • Proximity Sensor                              switch kits are available in black or white and          The Remote FOB gives you ultimate convenience             sensitivity.
                    The FMS is our retrofit configuration motor suitable for all three motors (Sierra, Peak, & Everest) and                             • Customizable Background                       both wired and wireless options.  We also just           whether you’re inside or outside. With a 75-foot range,                                    7.5”
                    is perfect for concrete or post-to-post construction.  If there’s no room for the motor the FMS bolts                                                                             released our 6-in-1 wall switch option that              the Remote FOB gives you total system control.
                    directly onto the back jamb and comes with a paintable cover.                                                                                                                     provides timer functions for our features, as well
                                                                                                                                                                                                      as a proximity sensor for handsfree opening.
                    The Apex is for corner-less 90-degree door systems or unequal bi-parting doors. Basically, the Apex                                                                                                                                        Control Box
                    configuration works with all of our motor (Sierra, Peak, & Everest) systems and couples two motors          Summit Door                                         Voice Command Module (VCM)                           1.7”                   This is the brains behind every Summit Motor, and allows us to offer                                   7.5”
                    together with a communication cable between control boxes to coordinate the open and close                 Controller App                                      The VCM allows users to program and                                         features like FAST/+ or quick open by utilizing our variable speed
                    operations. Our motors can be mixed & matched to move an unlimited number of panels per side on            The Bluetooth Chip mounted on                       operate their automated doors by simply                                     technology (VST). At merely 7.5” x 7.5” x 4.5”, it gives installers flexibility to
                    a 90 degree or unequal bi-parting system.                                                                  the motor accepts commands                          speaking to the Apple/Google/Amazon                                         install within the pocket or up to 100 ft away from the motor in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               data/AV/mechanical closet. The control box includes standard a lithium-ion
                                                                                                                               from our Summit Door Controller                     home devices and may create routines                          1.9”          battery back-up and plugs into a dedicated 15-amp standard 110v outlet
                                             Pivot                                                                             app (on Google Play and IOS                         to enjoy your door systems to the fullest:                                  while being compatible with all major home automation systems.
                                             The Pivot motor is our elegant solution automating pivot doors for both           App store) and can control                          •  Requires download of device APP
                                             interior and exterior applications and can be mounted in two different            multiple automation systems                           (Apple Home, Google Home, Alexa)
                                             locations:  Above Header and Within Header. The pivot motor is a versatile        using your smartphone or tablet.                    •  1 VCM per motor or APEX system                                                                           6”
                                             solution for a controlled open and close regardless of wind conditions.                                                               •  Connects onto our motor board or wall switch
     Lift & Slide                                                                                                                                                                  •  Programming instructions are provided, along with                        Above Ceiling                                    2.75”
     Our Lifting Motor can be                One panel can be automated per Pivot Motor.                                                                                             programming assistance via Summit
     coupled with a Sierra, Peak, or         We have 3 options for Pivot Motors available:                                                   3.875”                                                                                                            Below Ceiling                        Lens Cover
     Everest motor along with a lift         •  Pivot – Up to 250 lbs. with no wind, normally interior application,
     module. With a single motor,              mounting within or above head track                                                                                       Head Track Motion Sensor (Wired/Wireless)                                             Hidden Flush Mount Motion Sensor (Wired/Wireless)
     the sash weight can be up to            •  High Torque (HT) – Up to 400 lbs. with low wind, normally interior                                                       The Head Track Motion Sensor (T1) is an exterior motion sensor that is mounted        The Hidden Flush Mount Motion Sensor (H1) is an interior motion sensor that is flush mounted
     800 lbs.; with a dual motor               or exterior application, mounting within or above head track                                                      1.575”  center of the lead panel in track 2 with a customizable directional beam sensor
     configuration, the sash weight                                                                                                                                       cover. This sensor provides the end user the option of a hands-free entry, as well    within the soffit with a customizable directional beam sensor cover. This sensor provides the
     can be up to 1400 lbs.                  •  Ultra-High Torque (UHT) – Up to 1400 lbs. with low to medium wind,                                                                                                                                             end user the option of a hands-free entry, as well as a secondary safety feature.
                                               normally exterior application, mounting above head track only                                                             as a secondary safety feature.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bringing Doors to Life!                                           File  E132235
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