Page 2 - HTE - Dairy Cattle Brochure V2 Page-by-Page (05-08-2024)_Neat
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          •  Our growing system is completely scalable, so we will build the system you need tailored

             to your herd size – from 50 to 100,000 head herds or more. Multiple systems will feed any

             sized herd. Our largest system will produce 64 tons of food every single day. The cost of using

             our system is $145/ton, Which is significantly less than purchasing lower quality alfalfa hay.
          •  HTE barley fodder is a perfect feed for dairy cattle, sheep, hogs, chickens, goats, and
             other livestock.

          •  Our system can be housed in suitable existing structures, or we will design a purpose-built

             structure for your HTE system.
          •  You’ll never worry about crop failure, weather, or the hassle and expense of field cultivation.
             Put your land into production of more profitable crops!

          •  Our fresh grown fodder is 100% organic, no chemicals ever, and guaranteed pure and safe

             for your animals.
          •  You’ll maximize fodder production with our Healing the Earth proprietary nutrient mix and

             patented barley seed.
          •  On-site system set-up and crew training is included in the HTE system purchase price.
          •  HTE will remotely monitor your system’s performance to help manage any operational
          * Precise system specifications, including size and yield quantities, to feed your herd are available upon request
        The Ultimate Food System                    ®
                                                                                                                                   YOUR MARKET OPPORTUNITY WITH A HTE ULTIMATE FOOD SYSTEM
        •  Preserve Resources                                                                                                      Owning Ultimate Food System will allow you to capitalize on the growing demand for grass-fed dairy
        •  Food at the Point of Consumption™                                                                                       products through the company’s unique grass feedlot concept.  Unfortunately, the U.S. dairy industry
                                                                                                                                   has been unable to scale up grass-fed production in order to meet market demand, but HTE’s grass
        •  Herds to drastically reduce freight                                                                                     feedlot concept accelerates production while maintaining animal health and a natural grass/forage
          costs and reduce spoilage                                                                                                daily ration.  Pasture-fed and open range dairy cattle are limited by the low nutritional value of typical
                                                                                                                                   pasture forage plants.  HTE’s highly nutritious fresh barley fodder, in combination with all-natural
        •  Pollution Reduction                                                                                                     grass hay and dietary supplements, will produce healthier animals, a higher butter fat content,
        •  Predictability & Scalability                                                                                            and greater production.
        • Year-Round
                                                                                                                                    HTE BARLEY FODDER DELIVERS MORE
        • Fast
                                                                                                                                    The main benefit of sprouted fodder in comparison to feeding grain is “improved protein, starch
        •  Quality Crops                                                                                                            and sugar” (CROPP Cooperative’s “Sprouted Dairy Fodder” Technical Bulletin #10 by Dr. Sylvia
        • Flexibility                                                                                                               Abel-Caines). Nearly all of the starch present in the grain is converted to sugar by sprouting, which
                                                                                                                                    is better utilized by the rumen than the dry grain. This reduces acidosis problems, as the rumen pH
        •  Spatial Efficiency                                                                                                        stays more stable without the constant input of starch.
                                                                                                                                    “Mineral and vitamin levels in UFS sprouted barley are significantly increased over those in grain;
                                                                                                                                    in addition, they are absorbed more efficiently due to the lack of enzyme inhibitors in sprouted
                                                                                                                                    grain. Sprouts provide a good supply of vitamins A, E, C, and B complex. The vitamin content of
        GRASS-FED DAIRY COW MARKET IS GROWING FAST                                                                                  some seeds can increase by up to 20 times their original value within several days of sprouting.”
                                                                                                                                    (“Sprouted Barley Fodder” Technical Bulletin)
        The U.S. grass-fed dairy market is a rapidly growing segment of the U.S. dairy industry. Retail sales
        of labeled, fresh, grass-fed dairy products is now a multi-billion dollar a year industry with no slowing                   Jim Kern of Fodder Feeds pointed out that “when a cow eats fresh sprouted fodder, it is eating
        of growth in sight (according to research done by Tabula Research published in October 2023).                               digestive enzymes that are not present in dry hay or in grain. It is highly digestible and nutritious.”
        Grass-fed dairy products are not a fad, as nearly all major retailers have added it to their shelves
        in recent years and major national restaurant chains have added grass-fed dairy products to their
        menus. Sports stadium concession stands have included grass-fed dairy products to their menus with                              Nutrient and Mineral of Various Grains as Compared to HTE Fodder
        great success! Clearly, the trend of adding grass-fed dairy products to menus extends across the
        value chain. According to Nielsen, fresh grass-fed dairy products command a significant premium                                                    HTE Fodder %         Barley %         Corn %         Wheat %           Oats %
        over conventional feed methods at all retail levels in the twelve months ending June 2022.                                   TDN                       94.0               84.1            87.6            86.8             83.0
        There is a growing body of scientific research pointing to the health benefits of grass-fed dairy over                         Crude Protein             20.93              12.8            8.8             13.8             12.6
        conventional feed methods.  Grass-fed dairy is more healthful for people because of its significantly
        better omega-6 to omega 3 fatty acid ratio, higher concentration of conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs),                        NDF                       33.27              18.3            9.7             12.4             26.7
        higher levels of antioxidants, and lower risk of both E. coli infection and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.                   Calcium                    .23               .08             .03              .08              .10
        Grass-fed dairy cattle of the right breed produced to high standards result in higher production
        outputs and a higher concentration of butter fat.                                                                            Phosphorus                 .61               .38             .29              .36              .38

                                                                                                                                     Potassium                  .71               .53             .37              .43              .50
                                                                                                                                     Manganese                  .22               .13             .11              .13              .14

                                                                                                                                     Sodium                     .61               .02             .03              .02              .02

                                                                                                                                     Sulfur %                   .21               .14             .11              .15              .17
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