Page 11 - The Panozzo Team - Sellers Guide EBook
P. 11


         1. PRICING YOUR HOME TOO HIGH                           8. PRICING YOUR PROPERTY TOO LOW

              A Real Estate Agent can research comparable sales         Hiring an Agent ensures no money is left on
           in your area and advise you for the appropriate price    the table.
           range of your property.
                                                                 9.  BELIEVING YOUR AGENT IS NOT DOING
         2.  TAKING AN INFLEXIBLE                                  THEIR JOB WHEN THERE AREN’T ANY
            POSITION ON FINANCING                                  OFFERS
              Have your Agent explain what financing options            f your home shows well, but hasn’t generated any
           are available. Being flexible on financing terms may    interested Buyers, it may be time to re-evaluate the
           secure a better selling price, with other advantages    price.
           as well.
                                                                 10.  IGNORING THE IMPORTANCE
         3. ERRORS IN MARKET TIMING                                  OF FIRST IMPRESSIONS
              Ask your Agent to determine whether the market             Sales have been blown by unkempt lawns,
           cycle is poised to net you the most money.                cluttered closets, unpainted front doors, hard-to-
                                                                     work locks, blown light bulbs, bad colors, stains,
            ACCESS FOR SHOWINGS                                      unlit areas and bad smells. Spend time on the little
                                                                     things. Double up on your gardening, keep things
              There are many ways to show a home.                    cleaner than usual. Take serious control of your
           “Appointment Only” is the most restrictive. Lock          pets during this period.
           boxes (key safes) are the most accessible. If your
           home is easy for Agents to show, more prospective     11.  NOT MAKING THE
           Buyers will see it, improving your odds of getting the    RIGHT KIND OF REPAIRS
           deal you want. However, your specific lifestyle may           Don’t be tempted to make improvements prior
           not be compatible with frequent showings. Your            to listing without consulting your Agent. Some
           Agent will help you determine a solution that will        upgrades will not yield any real increase in
           best fit your situation.                                  value, while others may increase property value
            MARKET TECHNOLOGY                                    12.  NOT GIVING THE SALES
               Make sure your Agent is up with the latest            EFFORT ENOUGH TIME
            technology and resources available. Check around             You should never give too little time to what is
            to see what technology is being utilized in your         inherently a long process. Homes may take 3-6
            specific area. A good Agent will know where you          months to sell, in any market. Estimate how much
            can get the best exposure.                               time you have before you need to sell and then
                                                                     plan ahead to allow extra time. You don’t want to
         6.  NOT “STAGING” YOUR
            PROPERTY CORRECTLY                                       be forced to accept a disappointing offer.
               Reference the sections on “Preparing Your Home    13.  NOT SCREENING
            To Sell” and “Preparing Your Home To Show” for           PROSPECTS ADEQUATELY
            tips on setting the stage for your home showings.           One of the best reasons for hiring an Agent is their
                                                                    ability to prequalify a prospect financially before
            IS SEASONAL                                             valuable negotiation time is lost. More importantly,
                                                                    your Agent may discover when a prospect has an
               Don’t base your selling decision on a season.        ulterior motive for shopping homes, other than
            Properties sell all year long.
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