Page 24 - Make a Wish Design Samples Smaller Size V2 (10-09-2024)
P. 24


                                                                                                    12 days of Chri mas Project Plan

                                                                                                                     Project - Celebrate Mother’s Grace and a partnership with
                                                                                                 Goal 150k           12 vendors. One per day for each day of the 12 days
                                                                                                Donations            identified. Each vendor will agree to give 20 percent back
                                                                                                                     for that day of total revenue (percentage we can negotiate).
                                                                                                                     We will celebrate one family per day and work and share
                                                                                                 Time Period:        their story as well.
                                                                                                Dec 5th  - 16th      In addition all that participate will be entered into drawing
                                                                                                                     for two potential “year end giving prizes".

                                                                                               Advertising - We will work with   Committee Head Suggestions:
                                                                                               a PR firm to get this out in the
                                                                                               community starting at end of   PR: Michelle
                                                                                               OCT to gear up. Social Media,   Organize Volunteer Meeting: Jackie/Kate/Manisha
                                                                                               articles, Mail chimp and ask our
                                                                                               vendors to advertise on site.   Vendor Host: see below
                                                                                               (will provide collateral)   Organize 12 families to be assigned
                                                                                                                           @Vol. Event: Tanu/Jackie/Lisa
                                                                                               Possible partners to approach:
                                                                                                                           Logistics/Contest: Erin/Jackie/Michelle
                                                                                               Bungalow: Michelle
                                                                                               Simon Pearce: Mary          Contest prize donations: Kathleen, Sandy, Michelle
                                                                                               Glassy Baby: Michelle          Please work with your committees to have
                                                                                               Prada: Angela                        updates for each meeting!
                                                                                               Steak 44: Manisha          Timeline:
                                                                                               Pearl Med Spa - Michelle
                                                                                               Urbana: Mary/Kathleen       Approve Project: 6-11-24
                                                                                                                           Assign Committee Heads: 6-13-24
                                                                                               Galicia: Angela
                                                                                                                           PR Meeting: July 10-24
                                                                                               Found: Mary/Rina            Collateral Complete: 7-1 - 24
                                                                                               ** this only represents 9 ideas so assigning   Vendor Commitment: 8-1-24
                                                                                               Kathleen, Sandy, Tanu, Rachel to come up  Volunteer Meeting/Recruitment
                                                                                                     with one more each
                                                                                                We can also have two per day if we have  for Committees: 9-10-24
                                                                                                     more commitment.      Meet with Vendors: 9-30-24 -24
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