Page 11 - E-Modul Animal - Elsa
P. 11


                      T A S K   1   :   R E A D   &   A N S W E R   T H E   Q U E S T I O N

                                 plan     : berencana                   decide    : memutuskan

         Vocabulary              spend  : menghabiskan           holiday  : liburan

                                 visit      : mengunjungi              kind        : jenis

       It's Sunday. Ahmed doesn't go to school. He plans to go to Ubalan.

       He spends his holiday with his family. They go to Ubalan by car. They

       decide to visit Ubalan because it's like to visit mini zoo. They can see

       beautiful  scenery  and  many  kinds  of  animal  like  deer,  mouse  deer,

       monkey, horse, donkey, peacock, etc.

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