Page 34 - The Shy Monster (FlipBook)
P. 34


             Tips for Parents of Shy Children

             Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities.

             Encourage your child to participate in a performing arts program that helps kids increase
             their confidence through the arts.

             Encourage play dates (at a friend‛s house or at your house).

             Practice different scenarios at home (meeting a new kid, asking a question in class, etc.).

             Encourage your child to rehearse show and tell or other class presentations in front of
             you at home before presenting at school.

             Talk to your child‛s teacher about your child‛s shyness. The teacher will likely have some
             insight based on experiences and observations of your child at school. The two of you can
             share insights, brainstorm, and create a plan together.

             Encourage your child to talk about their fears and try to empathize (i.e. “I feel shy too

             Compliment your child often. Tell them things you like about them.

             Celebrate your child‛s victories. When you notice them being brave or making even small
             improvements, tell them you are proud of them and point out the specific things they did
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