Page 175 - Flipbook-Kurt7
P. 175


                            The waters                                       With their throats expanded, the bull-est of the frogs pushes its head to the surface and
                                                                             as expected, the first gig is thrown their way. It misses by a hair.

                            lay still. They                                  They have been at it all morning. Human boys trying to impress their fathers with the
                                                                             first catch. If only their years equated to ours. I am 17 years old, that means I got 110
                                                                             years on you little man. And as the oldest frog in the golden pond, I am pushed as bait,
                            looked at                                        to see if the gig will miss again.

                            each other,                                      He must have a terrible aim. As others walk towards the pond bank, I send out a loud
                                                                             wom, wom, wom. I am here, and I refuse to be bait. Their flashlights shine through the
                                                                             pond, 30ft from where I poke my head. I bested those who came before you. I will best
                            almost                                           you too.

                            pushing for                                      My years have passed and I wait as you see who will gig this old boy this year. Come
                                                                             get me if you can, and if you fail as I suspect you will, I will see you next year. I hope I
                                                                             will be around to see you fail again.
                            one to


                                                                                                                               Acrylic on Canvas
                                                                                                                               i: 30’ by 40’
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