Page 26 - National Institutional Meeting Mulk 178 B.E
P. 26


                   The mass of the people are occupied with self and worldly desire, are immersed
                   in the ocean of the nether world and are captives of the world of nature, save
                   those souls who have been freed from the chains and fetters of the material
                   world and, like unto swift- ying birds, are soaring in this unbounded realm.
                   They are awake and vigilant, they shun the obscurity of the world of nature, their

                   highest wish centereth on the eradication from among men of the struggle for
                   existence, the shining forth of the spirituality and the love of the realm on high,
                   the exercise of utmost kindness among peoples, the realization of an intimate
                   and close connection between religions and the practice of the ideal of

                   self-sacri ce.

                   ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

                   The pure heart is one that is entirely cut away from self. To be sel ess is to be

                   ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in London


                   Until a being setteth his foot in the plane of sacri ce, he is bereft of every favour
                   and grace; and this plane of sacri ce is the realm of dying to the self, that the
                   radiance of the living God may then shine forth. The martyr's  eld is the place of
                   detachment from self, that the anthems of eternity may be upraised. Do all ye

                   can to become wholly weary of self, and bind yourselves to that Countenance of
                   Splendours; and once ye have reached such heights of servitude, ye will  nd,
                   gathered within your shadow, all created things. This is boundless grace; this is
                   the highest sovereignty; this is the life that dieth not. All else save this is at the

                   last but manifest perdition and great loss.

                   ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

                                       National Institutional Meeting - South Africa - Mulk 178 B.E

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