Page 14 - Prayers and Extracts from the Baha'i Writings
P. 14


             Regarding reciprocity and cooperation, each member of the body politic should live
             in the utmost comfort and welfare because each individual member of humanity is a

             member of the body politic, and if one member is in distress or is afflicted with some
             disease, all the other members must necessarily suffer. For example, a member of the
             human organism is the eye. If the eye should be affected, that affliction would affect

             the whole nervous system. Hence, if a member of the body politic becomes afflicted,
             in reality, from the standpoint of sympathetic connection, all will share that affliction

             since this [one afflicted] is a member of the group of members, a part of the whole. Is
             it possible for one member or part to be in distress and the other members to be at
             ease? It is impossible! Hence, God has desired that in the body politic of humanity

             each one shall enjoy perfect welfare and comfort.

             ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation of Universal Peace

             The world of politics is like the world of man; he is seed at first, and then passes by
             degrees  to  the  condition  of  embryo  and  foetus,  acquiring  a  bone  structure,  being

             clothed with flesh, taking on his own special form, until at last he reaches the plane
             where he can befittingly fulfill the words: “the most excellent of Makers.” Just as this

             is a requirement of creation and is based on the universal Wisdom, the political world
             in the same way cannot instantaneously evolve from the nadir of defectiveness to the

             zenith of rightness and perfection. Rather, qualified individuals must strive by day
             and  by  night,  using  all  those  means  which  will  conduce  to  progress,  until  the

             government and the people develop along every line from day to day and even from
             moment to moment.

             ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization

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