Page 10 - The Civil War booklet_Neat
P. 10

Slavery and Reconstruction

Slavery is woven into the history of our nation.

ERed Grooms. Old Times Not Forgotten, 2009          1807, the Fugitive Slave Acts of 1797 and
             nslaved people were brought to         1850 sought to preserve slavery and the
             Jamestown, Virginia as early as 1619   position of slaveholders in the face of the
             by Dutch traders to help produce lu-   growing reservations of residents in some
     crative crops, like tobacco. Slavery became    Northern states.
     a legally recognized institution in all 13     	 At the onset of the Civil War in
     colonies. In 1776 the Declaration of Inde-     1861 there were 3.5 million slaves in the
     pendence asserted that, All men are created    South, out of a total population of nearly 9
     equal, but this was not the case. Slave codes  million. Roughly one third of the South’s
     enacted by colonial assemblies continued to    families counted human beings among
     restrict the liberty of enslaved peoples and   their property holdings. By the end of the
     protect slavery. Our early leaders left the    war, approximately 200,000 African Amer-
     problem for subsequent generations, unsure     icans had served in the Union’s Army and
     how to resolve the issue. Thomas Jefferson,    Navy. Reflecting on their military service,
     himself a slaveholder, said, …as it is, we     African American social reformer, Frederick
     have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither   Douglass, an abolitionist, orator, writer, and
     hold him, nor safely let him go. While a ban   statesman, who had himself escaped slavery
     on the importation of slaves was passed in
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