Page 14 - ODP Playbook Ver.2
P. 14

1-5-3 Months

                                            Journey as ODP

             1 Month                                5 Months                               3 Months

       In-Class Fundamental                                                            Continuation of
                                              Join Specific School
       Banking Program                                                                 Mini KPI
                                              & On the Job Training

    Be motivated and excited by               Be motivated and excited by              Assurance and trust
    Bank Mandiri’s purpose and                Bank Mandiri’s purpose and               that Bank Mandiri is a
    accelerate your learning                  accelerate your learning                 workplace that
    journey                                   journey                                  supports employee to
                                                                                       meet their goals

            Mempraktikkan                        Mengikuti Specific                       Membuat dan
            Mandirian Way of                     ODP School                               mencapai mini-KPI
            Working melalui                                                               yang ditetapkan
            Culture Activation                   Mengerjakan Guidline                     bersama EM melalui
                                                 Activity melalui
            Mendemonstrasika                     Mandiri Click                            Presentasi journey
            n Mandirian Way of                                                            probation PKWTT
            Thinking melalui                     Experiential learning                    dengan Group Head,
            modul technical &                    dengan menjalankan                       Departement Head,
            leadership                           Objective & Key Result                   dan HC sebagai panelis

                                                 Pelaksanaan E-Learning                        3 rd
               1 Check-Point:
        1      Elimination/OJT                   Fundamental Banking                   3       Check-Point:
               Unit Kerja                        Presentasi Journey On                         Elimination/
                                                 The Job Training                              Permanency

                                                       2 Check-Point:

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