Page 11 - Brouse McDowell IR Year-End Newsletter 2021
P. 11

Utilizing Representations and Warranties Insurance in M&A Transactions and Related
          Financing  (Continued from page 10)
          control minority investments. In addition to           acquisition financing as additional insureds. By
          the standard exclusions discussed below, R&W           having the buyer and lender as named insured
          insurance does not cover breaches in covenants         and additional insured, respectively, they can be
          in the purchase agreement.                             paid directly from the insurer. This mitigates any
                                                                 collectability issues or controversy presented,
          Policies Can be “Seller Side” or “Buyer Side”          which is desirable in distressed transactions or
          R&W insurance can be purchased as either               transactions with more than a single selling
          “Seller Side” or “Buyer Side” coverage.                shareholder. In the event of a breach of any

                                                                 R&W in the transaction, after accounting for the
          Seller Side policies serve as a liability policy       retention, the insured would receive a payment
          providing coverage to the seller for its liability     to offset their loss up to the maximum policy
          for claims for breach of R&W in the purchase           limits.
          agreement made to the buyer. This type of
          policy would pay the seller as named insured,          Introducing R&W Insurance in the Deal
          not the buyer. By comparison, a “Buyer Side”           Sellers utilizing an investment banker led
          policy is a form of first-party coverage that          competitive bid or auction process often
          allows the buyer to be compensated directly            stipulate R&W insurance as a bid qualification
          by the insurer. A common added variation to            and a means they are proposing to avoid an
          “Buyer Side” policies also protects the seller by      escrow. By comparison, buyers seek R&W
          preventing the insurance company from seeking          insurance when indemnity is limited or absent,
          recovery from the seller except in cases of fraud.     or when escrow is not able to be obtained.
          We highly recommend this variation be explored         Since indemnity provisions are often the most
          for our clients that are sellers.                      negotiated section in purchase agreements,
                                                                 R&W insurance provides a mechanism for
          When Hylant assists its clients in obtaining           parties to bridge the gap by shifting risk of
          R&W insurance, the named insured is often the          breaches in R&W made by the seller and the
          buyer in the transaction, with lenders providing       collectability of indemnity to an insurer in


                       BUYERS                            SELLERS                            LENDERS

               Adds protection to indemnity       Provides backstop or replaces      Offers longer term than reps
              cap and survival periods          negotiated indemnity               and warranties in purchase
               Provides recourse in absence       Eliminates or reduces escrow
              of seller indemnity                                                   Allows lenders to be additional
                                                  Allows minority sellers to       insureds; and collectability is
               Preserves key relationships      avoid joint and several            direct from insurer
               Ensures collectability                                               Enhances underwriting
                                                  Provides peace of mind for
               Enhances competitive bids
                                                family and individual sellers       Mitigates risk presented
               Offers protection to deal          Enhances disclosure schedules    by escrow or absence of
              financing creditors                                                  conditions precedent

                                                                                    Facilitates prepayments in
                                                                                   specific circumstances

                                                                                            (Continued on page 12)

                                                                                               Your Coverage Advisor 11
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