Page 4 - Brouse McDowell IR Year-End Newsletter 2021
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Cyberattacks in 2021 Demonstrate Importance of Cyber-Risk-Insurance for 2022  (Continued from page 3)

          If properly obtained, this coverage may also           of a cyber incident, to restore security protocols
          cover the cost of hiring professionals, such as        and prevent future security issues. For instance, a
          competent legal counsel, to negotiate with             data breach can require a thorough investigation
          the cybercriminals on your behalf. In 2021, the        by a computer forensics team to determine the

          average ransomware payment increased by                breach cause and prevent future occurrences.
          82%. A ransom demand can be crippling for              You will also need to enlist the services of
          many businesses and can provide a swift ending         competent cyber legal counsel and— depending
          to many small businesses. With an increase in          on the level of breach— you may need a public
          attacks in 2021, it’s more important than ever to      relations firm, and consumer ID monitoring and
          build up your defenses in anticipation of a cyber      notification specialists.
          event. Now is the time to ask your professional
          team to do a complete cyber-risk audit to              How Brouse Can Help
          uncover any gaps in your cybersecurity protocols.      Ransomware and other cyber-related incidents
                                                                 will likely remain the number one threat to
          Business Interruption Coverage                         companies in 2022. Organizations must be
          Business interruption coverage is designed to          prepared to do everything they can to mitigate

          compensate you for the loss of income that             the damage of an inevitable attack. We advise
          results from the downtime your organization            having cyber legal counsel conduct a review of
          may face after a cyber incident. If your system or     your existing policies and protocols in place to
          network was paralyzed, corrupted, or otherwise         ensure compliance with all data privacy laws
          made inaccessible as a result of a cyberattack,        and regulations, revise and update those that
          your business could come to an abrupt halt.            need attention, review existing insurance and
          And when operations are down, lost revenue is          fill any gaps to obtain appropriate levels of
          a certainty. Business interruption coverage can        cyber-risk insurance to further reduce exposure
          cover expenses you incur related to your efforts in    to cyber-related risks. Cyber-risk insurance is
          restoring your operations.                             complex, and it may leave many confused as

                                                                 to what adequate coverage looks like. Failing
          Data Loss/Data Restoration Coverage
          Data restoration coverage is designed to cover         to obtain the right coverage could leave your
          the costs of replacing or restoring compromised        organization exposed to substantial risks in
                                                                 the event of a cyber incident. It is important to
          data resulting from a virus, ransomware, or
          another form of cyber incident. Most businesses        have assistance from competent professionals
          would like to act with urgency to quickly and          as you analyze your security and seek to obtain
          fully recover their data after a cyberattack. Doing    cyber coverage. Brouse McDowell’s Insurance
          so can reduce downtime and can help restore            Recovery and Cybersecurity & Data Privacy
          trust in your business.                                teams can provide the guidance and tools you
                                                                 need to defend against cyberattacks, protect
          Incident Response Coverage                             consumer information and obtain proper cyber-
          Incident response coverage covers expenses             risk insurance coverage. Please contact us for
          related to the various expert services that your       more information and to learn how we can

          organization may need to remediate the effects         partner with you. n

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