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Our Skilled Attorneys

             Laura F. Fryan                    Daniel K. Glessner                Omar Hazimah
             330.434.6785  |  330.434.7240  |  419.931.6910  |
             Laura is Co-Chair of the Health Care Practice.  She advises   Dan served as in-house counsel with the Akron   Omar provides strategic and legal advice to health
             providers of all sizes and types, and businesses with   General Health System for 16 years, and is retired as a   care providers and business owners so they
             products or services in the health care industry. She   Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Army Reserve   may succeed in a rapidly changing healthcare
             enjoys sharing knowledge through speaking, writing,   with 28 years of service. He is certified in Health Care   environment. He advises on transactions, HIPAA, Stark
             and her involvement with American Health Lawyers.   Compliance by the Compliance Certification Board and   and Anti-Kickback compliance, vendor agreements,
             She is recognized as “Up and Coming” in Healthcare   ranked in Healthcare (Ohio) by Chambers USA 2023.  employment contracts, facility bylaws and peer review
             (Ohio) by Chambers USA 2023.                                        plans, and state and federal licensing.

             Christopher M. Huryn              Ryan C. Robinson                  Thomas J. Wiencek
             330.434.4610  |  330.434.4824  |  330.434.5604  |
             Chris is Co-Chair of the Health Care Practice.  With over 25   Ryan has experience counseling hospitals, physician   Tom’s practice focuses on defending health care providers
             years of legal experience, he provides counsel to numerous   groups, and other health care businesses on various   from discrimination and breach of contact suits, enforcing
             hospitals, health systems, physicians, group practices, and   transactions, sophisticated acquisitions, and business-  vendor obligations, and he handles every aspect of
             other health care businesses. Chris is certified in Health   related matters. His experience provides for practical   traditional labor law including union avoidance and labor
             Care Compliance by the Compliance Certification Board   and efficient solutions to complicated client matters.   negotiations.
             and ranked in Healthcare (Ohio) by Chambers USA 2023.

                                                          3     Ranked by Chambers USA 2023 in Healthcare (Ohio) with
                                                                3 attorneys recognized as leading practitioners

                                                           1    Ranked in Tier 1 for Health Care Law (Akron) by
                    100 YEARS                                   U.S. News - Best Lawyers  “Best Law Firms” 2023
                   OF COMBINED                            5     Attorneys named to the Best Lawyers in America  2023
                                                                list for Health Care Law

                      EXPERIENCE                                Attorneys selected to 2023 Ohio Super Lawyers & Rising
                                                          4     Stars list. Super Lawyers  is a service of Thomson Reuters

                 4                                                                            A Legal Professional Association
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