P. 10

65L ROLLING COOLER                                                 COOL BAR                                                                          BEVERAGE TUB                                  ROLLING CAN COOLER                                   CAN COOLER

                   #12029                                                             #CB2010                                                                           #12019                                        #12046                                               #12047
                   Holds 100+ 12oz cans + ice! Full bleed                             This double-walled cooler serves as an attractive side table                      Able to hold more than 24 cans/bottles,       Roll into the party with this fun can-shaped         Stand out with this hard plastic can shaped
                   graphics are interchangeable.                                      and holds up 40 12oz cans + 30lbs of ice. The unique locking                      the Beverage Tub comes with a stand and       cooler! Travels with ease on its retractable         cooler! Built with a folding handle and holds
                                                                                      system ensures stability when the table is fully extended. Built                  serving tray. Great for indoors and outdoors!  trolley. Holds 27 cans.                             11 cans
                                                                                      with a drainage hole and stopper.

                   White                                                              White                                                                             Red                                           Grey                                                 Grey
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