P. 18

TO THE BEACH                                                                                                                                                      SLING CHAIR

                                                                                                                                                                        Perfect for the beach or the backyard,
                                                                                                                                                                        the Sling Chair is relaxing, easily portable,
                                                                                                                                                                        and has a cupholder built-in to the
                                                                                                                                                                        armrest. This multi-position recline chair
                                                                                                                                                                        is available in 4 different colors.

                                                                                                                                                                        Black   Navy    Red    White

        RIO GRANDE BEACH                                    THE ZEN MASTER TRAVEL                             AD DIRECTORS CHAIR
        CHAIR                                               CHAIR                                             #783C

        #784C                                               #771C                                             The largest branding area of any chair in the
        The Rio Grande Beach Chair is built with a          The Zen Master Travel Chair should accompany      industry! Built with lightweight steel frame and
        lightweight powder coated steel frame and a         you to all outdoor activities. This portable and   comfort padded 600d seat and seat back, The
        comfortable 600d seat. Along with rear pockets      packable chair is built with lightweight powder   Ad Director’s Chair is comfortable, versatile, and
        and a cupholder, the luminous wood arm rests        coated steel frame, 600d seat and seat back,      travel friendly. Available in black, red, and deep
        adjust to 4 different positions! This comfortable   and has a zippered pocket located in back of      royal.
        and easily portable backpack chair has padded       the head rest. Comes with an individual carry
        straps, lace up suspension, and is available in 3   case.
        different colors: black, red, navy.

        Black  Royal  Red                                   Black  Royal  Red                                 Black  Royal  Red
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