P. 24


                                                         IS 6FT

                                                                                                            TUMBLE TOWER
                                                                                                              GROWS TO
                                                                                                               OVER 5FT!

                                                                                                                                                                       WASHER TOSS GAME                                   GIANT LAWN DOMINOS                                 GIANT LAWN PONG

                                                                                                                                                                       #12078                                             #12062                                             #12070

                                                                                                                                                                       The Premium Washer Toss Game comes fully           Great for parties or the backyard, the Giant       Perfect for parties, camping, the beach, or
                                                                                                                                                                       assembled with 2 targets and 8 plastic coated      Lawn Dominos set is a hit! Comes complete          the backyard, our Giant Yard Pong Game is a
                                                                                                                                                                       steel washers. Built with natural hardwood         with 28 dominos (double sixes set), and an         hit! The set includes 12 buckets, 2 heavy duty
                                                                                                                                                                       sanded smooth and varnished for a professional     imprintable carry bag.                             rubber balls, and a durable nylon carry case
                                                                                                                                                                       looking finish, this game is perfectly portable                                                       with shoulder strap attached. Instructions are
              GIANT 4-IN-A-ROW                                                                GIANT TUMBLE TOWER                                                       and fun for all ages. The targets are made from                                                       included, and the buckets are available in 3

              #12057                                              White                       #12049                                               Natural             100% Birch and selected for durability, and the                                                       different colors: royal, white, red.
                                                                                                                                                                       washers are available in 3 different colors (red,
              Giant 4 In A Row stands 4’ feet tall and is built with                          This giant tumble tower can grow to over 5 feet high!                    black, deep royal).
              wood construction and a painted white frame. The easy                           And with the included carry case, this game becomes
              3-piece assemble comes with a carry case and 42 discs                           easy to store and easy to transport. Comes with 54
              (white, black, red, or blue).                                                   wood blocks, logo on all.
                                                                                                                                                                       Black  Royal  Red    White                         White                                              Royal  Red     White
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