Page 3 - NTHS Program 2020-2021 final 01-20-2021
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Career and Technical
Education Programs
Director, CTE Jennifer Haskins NTHS Pledge
Assistant Director, CTE Delilah Smith
Manager of Career Services Doug Cullen
Office Manager, CTE Eileen Gioe As a member of the
Administrative Assistant, CTE Angela Ashegh National Technical Honor Society,
Program Assistant Amy Ste. Croix I pledge to maintain the highest
Program Assistant Kirsten Simano standard of personal conduct.
Program Assistant/Teacher Thomas Donovan
Academy of Business & Finance Lila Mazzola
Accounting Darlene Watkins I will apply myself to continue a
Animal Science Katrina Hartlen-Mooers record of scholastic achievement and
Animal Science Emmalee Garvin I will strive for excellence in
Architecture & Design Technology Leeanne Cobb all aspects of my education.
Automotive Systems Technology Alan Foskitt
Building Construction Technology Dudley Hodgkinson
Careers in Education Stephanie Raudonis I will invest my talents, my skills,
Computer Programming Michael Slavin and my knowledge
Computer Systems Mike Eno in a career of my own choosing,
Cosmetology Keryl Reid Rabideau
Culinary Arts & Baking Keith Desjardin and shall always endeavor to uphold
Electrical Technology Nathan Phillips my obligations as a citizen of my
Engineering Ernie Biron community and my country.
Engineering Brian Jarvis
Environmental Science Michelle Mize
Pinkerton Academy is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate
Health Science Technology Derek Earle
or deny services on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, handicap or
Health Science Technology Mary Ann Canary disability, religion, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation or age.
Marketing & Business Management Kassidy Snair
Video Production Donna Smith
Welding Technology Adam Houston