Page 6 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 6
Caring for Staff Who Served
Mandy Lambert, CJM As we continue to learn From Military to Corrections Year of Unknowns
more about managing COVID- One of the most pressing We have contended with a
19 in our environment, issues for jails is translating year and half of unknowns. It
I wanted to take this the military skills of service has been stressful, scary, and—
opportunity to discuss our members into the jail quite frankly—total grit and
military veterans. In jails environment—whether grind. We must consider the
across the country, amazing the position is healthcare, impacts this level of stress has
and progressive work is corrections officer, or food had on the industry. Let’s face
being implemented in our service. What we do know it; we have been on the front
programming for inmates is that our veterans bring a line of a global pandemic.
who are military veterans significant and critical set Now, weave in our service
and who may suffer from of skills that can benefit jail members who are still in, or
PTSD. Unfortunately, the operations. Some examples have transitioned out, of the
veterans who work in our of this include work ethic, Armed Forces. The climate of
jails are rarely given the same teamwork, and adherence our country has called upon
attention. to rules and schedules. our military to confront our
Although many Service members by way of own citizenry in times of
jails operate under the their military training are incredible stress and against
“paramilitary” structure, mission-driven. It is worth the unknown. We must
hiring personnel are generally the investment to work with consider the possible effects
unaware that there may be external partners to recruit our this has caused on our veteran
veteran benefits for their transitioning service members. staff and how we manage it.
employees who possess As I stated earlier many As we move forward,
service records, and it is jails are identifying their and hopefully into a time
not uncommon for these veterans inmates and of pandemic bygones, I
newly hired veterans to addressing their PTSD with encourage you to remember
also be unaware of their heavy doses of trauma-related our military forces. Their
benefits. Thus, they need to programming. I implore all sacrifices, courage, loyalty, and
develop a relationship with of you that we must do the commitment to all of us. For
their local Veteran Affairs same for the veterans on our those of you who are fortunate
Administration. staff. Our transitioning service to have veterans working
members need our support with you, remember the
and resources to achieve characteristics and skills they
…our veterans bring a success in the workforce. bring to the corrections world
As this relates to my and learn from them. As we
significant and critical initiative on staff health and approach Veterans Day, please
remember to honor, thank,
wellness, it is imperative we
also consider the needs of our and appreciate our service
set of skills that can service men and women as members.
we move toward adopting Be well and be safe.
benefit jail operations. programming, including
peer mentoring and support
processes for staff. I trust that MANDY, LAMBERT, CJM
the professional leaders in our President
industry will continue to strive American Jail Association
to address staff health and
wellness in the workforce.