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Correctional officers play a crucial  their peers. Some signs of officer
                                             role in the criminal justice field and   stress include:
                                             are directly responsible for provid-  •  irritability and becoming angry
                                             ing protection for the public. They   with others quickly,
                                             are responsible for maintaining    •  loss of compassion or empathy,
                                             order among a diverse population
                                             of criminals, substance abusers,   •  withdrawal and isolation,
                                             homeless, and mentally ill inmates.   •  mood swings, and
                                             In addition, they are exposed to   •  poor hygiene or decline in physi-
                                             risks and instability every day.     cal appearance.
                                                These factors not only put cor-
                                             rectional officers’ physical safety at   Encourage Colleague Support
                                             risk, but they also jeopardize their   Officers may not always feel
                                             mental health, which can lead to   comfortable speaking with their
                                             depression, anxiety, PTSD, and even   superiors and often feel more con-
                                             suicide. Just as there is no way to   nected with their peers. Establishing
                                             predict the situations each officer   support groups among officers
                                             will encounter on the job, we cannot   gives them a platform to talk
                                             foresee the effects these circum-  with the people who understand
                                             stances will have on their mental   the challenges of the job and the
                                             health. However, there are steps   resulting associated issues. Many
                                             corrections administrators can take   correctional facilities provide some
                                             to protect the mental well-being of   officers with specialized mental
                                             correctional officers.             health training. These officers can
                                                                                recognize signs of stress and pro-
                                             Identify the Signs                 vide their peers with proper coping
                                                Administrators first need to focus  mechanisms. They also can refer
                                             on learning how to recognize the   fellow officers to qualified mental
                                             signs of stress in each staff member.   health professionals when needed.
                                             One-on-one meetings can provide
                                             supervisors with firsthand insight   Diminish the Stigma
                                             into any challenges with which their   Many corrections professionals are
                                             staff might be struggling. These   reluctant to ask for help due to the
                                             meetings also provide supervisors   stigma associated with contacting a
                                             with the opportunity to look for any   mental health provider. Corrections
                                             subtle signs of stress or depression   officers, for example, want to be per-
                                             they may not notice during day-to-  ceived as strong and self-supporting.
                                             day interactions. Additionally, these   They often believe that seeking help
                                             meetings open the door for officers   defies those traits and is—or is seen
                                             who are reluctant to ask for help.  as—a sign of weakness. Many offi-
                                                By employing an open-door       cers fear that they could be passed
                                             policy, supervisors can encourage   over for promotions or moved to a
                                             officers to reach out when they need   different unit after seeking help.
                                             help as well as to report when they
                                             see signs of depression or stress in

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