Page 9 - July August Cascadian
P. 9

N N o o t t i i c c e e s s - - U Up p d d a a t t e e s s - - R R e e m m i i n n d d e e r r s s
          To our new neighbors ...
Edward & Joan Grabowsky Owner
Philip Gurvitz & Susannah Kelly Owner
Norma & Vito Tarricone Owner
David, Earl & Pamela Lapone Renter
Joan Haverkamp & Robert Wilder Owner
Sandra McMorris Renter
Gladys Montano Owner
395 Shoreview Drive Boynton Beach, FL
312 Shoreline Circle PSL Florida
304 Toscane Trail Delray Beach, FL
140 Lawton Road PSL, FL
395 Springview Loop The Villages - FL
421 Aqua Vista Lane PSL, FL
83 Sunview Way Columbia
How your board Voted
  At the September 19, 2023 Board meeting the following motions were voted upon.
Motion to approve Sports Surfaces to build two pickleball courts not to exceed $87,700.00 for a completion date in 2025. Motion passed 6-1.
Motion to approve a location chosen by the Bocce Task Force to relocate one court minimally, possibly two Bocce courts. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion to approve system repairs and upgrades to the sound system for the Ballroom not to exceed $5,305.79. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion to approve improvements to the lighting system for the Ballroom not to exceed $5,894.00. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion to approve the RFP for Security Services. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion to approve the CEI for Milestone Engineering to initiate the bidding and oversee the paving of the front entrance not to exceed $6,700. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion to ratify the additional paving of Baycrest Court and an intersection of Chimere Lane and Liseron Way not to exceed $16,000.00. Motion passed 7-0.
At the May 20, 2024 Board meeting the following motions were voted upon.
Motion to approve the installation of pedestrian gates in the amount of $6,500. at the back entrance on Peacock and the entrance at Old Inlet. Motion failed 5-2.
Motion to approve Coastal Pest Control treatments not to exceed $5,400. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion and discussion to approve a Magic Club. Motion passed 6-0.
    My name is Cali and I need a new home
I am a domestic short haired Calico. Spayed female, 6 years old, microchipped. I’m an indoor cat who also enjoys relaxing on the screened lanai of my Cascades home. I was adopted by my “Mom” at 9 months old.
My Mom and Dad want
to find me a new loving home, before they move from the Cascades for health reasons. I’m used to being the only pet in the home. I have a great temperament and would be a wonderful companion! For more information, please contact Gloria (Cascades
resident) at 772-871-2826.
   Winners vs. Losers
Winners say, If it is to be, it is up to me.
Losers say, I can’t help it.
Winners translate dreams into reality. Winners empower
Winners say, let’s find out
Losers translate reality into dreams. Losers control
Losers say, nobody knows
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