Page 18 - IPLANTS_Nov 2021 issue_TAMMY FINAL VERSION_Nov 30th_21_LARGE VERSION
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criteria. Try to come up a plant that will the water sources are. Hopefully there will be
meet the designer’s goal but also work a source on every floor.
with the environmental parameters. If Note the kind of flooring the space has.
a stalemate occurs, gently explain that Carpets? Hard wood? Tile? With carpets,
inappropriate plant material will need precautionary measures must be taken.
high rotation (HR) and will cost more to For example, if ceramic containers are
maintain that position. In the interest of planned for the space, carpet protectors
saving the client money more often than must be employed. Ceramics are notorious
not the designer will acquiesce. for sweating. We never want to encounter
moldy stains under planters set on carpets.
Plants that are selected must meet Hard wood floors have limitations as well.
spatial in limitations. A giant bushy plant Avoid plants which guttate. Members of the
squeezed into a narrow corner will not do. Araceae family of plants, drip water from the
On the other hand, an undersized plant tips of leaves. This will damage wooden floors
will be lost an area with ample space. Note with unsightly water stains. Tile floors are
ceiling height and specify accordingly. great because they are mop able. However,
With office space at a premium, now adays, plan to move ceramic planters periodically.
the need for slender plants is great. I have Because mold and mildew will build up under
encouraged growers to create slender that planter, price in added labor for having
forms of popular plant varieties. to clean under the pots. Trust me, building
maintenance people will not move plants to
Continuing with the analysis, you will clean under them!
note H-VAC systems, where the vents are
located and whether any of the plants will For time management purposes, note where
be exposed to drafts or heated air. Will the elevators are located. Find out if any of
added humidity be necessary? There are your plants will be inaccessible. VIP’s often
several ways to add humidity. When we have meetings or conference calls where they
discuss the process of Transpiration, we will refuse entry to their offices. Plan for how
will discover that clustering plants will you will deal with that situation! Technicians
provide added humidity. cannot be standing around waiting for entry
to an office. It’s touchy, but necessary.
Note where specimen plants may be
employed. A VIP is deserving of a large If and when you are denied access to an
specimen plant, yes? File tops? Desk top office, service everything else on the floor
plants, low tub plants? flowering plants? and return later.
Will some placements require special
handling? Will a long water wand be Establish a relationship with the floor
necessary? Speaking of water, note where manager, who will have a key to a locked
18 Making The New Normal Better!