Page 29 - I-Plants Magazine special 2021 Biophilic Design Awards issue - regular res
P. 29
Once we completed the build-out, installation of
On c e w e c omplet ed th e build- out , installation of
the vertical panels began in the two-level space
th e v er tical p an els began in th e t w o -le v el sp a c e
with the MossWall soaring to 17’ at its highest
with th e MossW all so ar in g t o 17 ’ at its high est
point. As we fabricated our moss panels, we in-
point . A s w e f abr icat ed our m oss p an els, w e in -
entionally did n
e edge
ot build th
e m
oss out t
tentionally did not build the moss out to the edge
o th
ed t
o ensur
e w
h p
el as w
e that th
of each panel as we wanted to ensure that there
of e
ely se
would be a completely seamless appearance that
amless appe
ould be a c
e that
themoss had grown in the space and up the wall.
th em oss ha d gr o wn in th e sp a c e an d up th e w all.
What makes this design biophilic?
Upon entering the building’s lobby the
senses are immediately immersed in
nature as one experiences the MossGar-
den and the MossWall that soars to 17’
high at its tallest columns. The Moss-
Garden transitions seamlessly from the
horizontal plane to the vertical plane of
the MossWall and the biophilic connec-
tion with nature is further enhanced by
the numerous replica plants, ferns, and
ariods. The raised platform surrounding
the MossGarden provides impromptu
seating for visitors to gather and relax in
the company of nature. Overall the Nine
Island Avenue MossGarden and Moss-
Wall creates a total sensory connection
with nature when one enters the space.