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Biophilic Design Awards issue presented
by I-Plants Magazine.
This new awards program exclusively run by I-Plants
Magazine is an evolution of the International Design Contest
previously run by Kathy Fediw during her ownership of the
magazine. This awards program has been designed with
guidance from Green Plants for Green Buildings. A special
thanks to Mary Golden and Sonja Bochart for assistance in
developing the scoring system required to be able to judge
for Biophilic Design attributes. A big thanks to this years
judges Janice Goodman, Sonja Bochart and Richard
Piacentini for graciously taking the time to judge all of the
entries! I am proud to announce a total of 37 award winners
with some amazing projects from the U.K. the U.S.A and
Another huge round of thank you’s goes out to our Biophilic
Design Awards sponsors. Our Diamond Award sponsor,
Green Plants for Green Buildings has been a great resource
for accurate and relevant information pertaining to biophilic
design in the interior landscaping industry. Platinum
Submissions were judged based on the following criteria sponsor and I-Plants Magazine parent company, Air
Strength Canada has been behind the scenes supporting
1. Design: Use of symmetry/asymmetry, visual connection the re-launch of I-Plants Magazine and the new Biophilic
with nature, harmony. 5%
2. Does this project engage the senses? 5% Design Awards since day 1 and we look forward to serving
3. Innovation and Enhanced well-being, does it move our you well into the future! Thank you to our Gold sponsor,
industry forward? (Ex: water efficiency) 10% Green Theory. A Canadian planter company that sells high
4. Appropriateness for the client and the space. 15% quality planters for use in the interior and exterior
5. Appropriate selection of plant material (or holiday décor environments. I highly recommend to all in the industry to
items) 15%
6. Appropriate and unique use of containers, topdressing check this Canadian company out! Click here to check out
and other materials as applicable. 15% their site I hope you take some time to go through and read
7. Use of colour 5% and study the entries. This is a great learning experience for
8. Budget challenges – doing a lot with a little 10% all of those interested in Biophilia and Biophilic Design.
9. Community impact 5% Enjoy and congratulations to all of the entrants and award
10. Which Biophilic element do you feel best describes your
project? WAnd convince us of your Biophilic design? 15% winners, you are doing some great work!!
Scoring levels: Platinum 95.56-100 pts, Gold 89.56-94.55pts, As always I am grateful for all of our advertisers supporting
Silver 84.56-89.55pts, Bronze 79.55-84.55pts this initiative for the I.P. industry. We all thank you for being
a part of this!
The Diamond award is awarded by judges consensus of the
top Biophilic Design of the year. Kind regards,
Elliott Bennett