Page 11 - Skylark Booklet Class 1
P. 11

Activity 8                                              Collaboration  Communication

                                                                             Scientific     Experiential
                                                                             Temper         Learning

                In the poem ‘The Little Plant’, you read about how a seed grows into
                a plant.

                Conduct the following activity to learn how a plant grows from a seed.

                Aim: To grow a plant

                Materials Required:  Kidney bean seeds, water, three small earthen
                                         pots and soil

                    Take a few kidney bean seeds

                      and three flower pots.
                    Fill the pots with soil and put some
                      kidney bean seeds in all the pots.

                    Label the pots as A, B and C.

                    Keep Pot A inside a room and do not water it.

                    Keep Pot B in sunlight and water it daily.

                    Keep Pot C in sunlight and do not water it.

                Observation: A small plant will emerge from Pot B after some days.

                What was your conclusion? Discuss in the class.

                Put a tick () for the things that are needed by plants to grow
                from seeds.

                  1. ice                                              2. water

                  3. moonlight                                        4.  air

                  5. sunlight

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