Page 18 - WoW Class 1 Book 2
P. 18
Narrator Granddaughter
Old Man Dog
Old Woman Cat
(Scene: A garden in front of a house in a village. An old man is
planting a turnip in the garden.)
Narrator: Once upon a time, an old man planted a little turnip. And
he spoke to his little turnip.
Old Man: Grow, grow little turnip. Grow sweet. Grow, grow little
turnip. Grow strong.
Narrator: And the turnip grew sweet and strong, and big and ...
ENGLISH his enormous turnip.
ENORMOUS! Then one day, the old man went to pull up
(The old man pulls the turnip.)
He pulled and he pulled.
But he could not pull it up. So the old man called out to
the old woman.
(He stops pulling. The old man looks towards the house and asks the
old woman for help.)
Old Man: Please come and help me pull up this big, sweet, strong
and enormous turnip.
(The old woman enters. She holds the old man. The old man holds the
turnip. They pull.)
• enormous: huge