P. 17

FORTFIELD MANOR   THE BRICKWORKS                                                    During the construction of the crane temporary foundations, the
                                                                                     team uncovered an old brick Victorian culvert, which after some
 TO BE COMPLETE BY   The Brickworks site on the Ormeau Road                          investigation with the Rivers Agency dated back on their maps to
 END OF OCTOBER  commenced in February 2019 and the project is
    currently in week 33 of a 58-week programme.                                     As the site was a former brick manufacturing facility and during the              H&J MARTIN CONSTRUCTION NEWS
                                                                                     demolition of the H&J Martin offices, existing imperial size bricks were
 H&J Martin Construction working                                                     salvaged from the site and the developer has plans to incorporate
 on behalf of Rosemount Homes will   The project consists of 35nr,2 Bedroom Apartments and 7nr,2   some of these old bricks into various external walls around the
    Bedroom Townhouses over three blocks, which are being built for
 be completing the Fortfield Manor   Choice Housing Association on the site of H&J Martin’s former offices.  development to mark some history of the site.

 Development in Greenisland by the
 end of October 2019.  Despite various challenges with both the foundation works and
    inclement weather, earlier this year, the works are progressing well
    on site with all three blocks completed to first floor level.  Over the
 To date, nine satisfied home owners have   summer months the extent of the construction works will be very
 moved into completed properties and works will   evident as the brickwork rises up to three and four storey blocks, as
 continue through the summer, to ensure all new   we strive to complete the roof works in November.  Building handover
 home owners can move into their properties   will be in April 2020.
 before the end of October 2019.
    A large self-erecting crane will be visible on the skyline as the team
    set up on site to service the upper floors of the main apartment block
    along the Ormeau Road.

 TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19                                                                                                                                                 TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19

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