P. 29

LAI / LAM NEWS  LAGAN AVIATION &   HEROIC LIFESAVING SKILLS                                                                                                           LAI / LAM NEWS



    Marham.  One of our subcontractors who was a Lorry
 NORTH OF ENGLAND  A major life saving incident took place on site at RAF
    Driver, John Kavanagh, took a severe asthma attack
    and consequently stopped breathing.
 Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure and Lagan

 Airport Maintenance have expanded their   Had it not have been for 4 key members of the Lagan Aviation &
 UK footprint with the opening of a regional   Infrastructure team it could have been a very different outcome.
 office in Warrington.   The alarm was raised that a driver was in distress and it was the swift

    action of the emergency plan and the incident response team consisting
 The Warrington office is in Wilderspool Park and will   of Craig Candler, Alan McLoughlin, Steven Swinney and Neil Angus that
 provide the team with a base to grow the businesses in   ultimately saved a man’s life.  The incident response team used their first   Team above L-R : Alan McLoughlin, John Kavanagh, Neil Angus, Steve Swinney
 the North of England.  aid skills to carry out CPR and used the AED machine for guidance until
    the emergency services arrived at the scene.
 Steve Turner, Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure
 Director, commented: “The investment in the new   We are pleased to confirm that John has now made a full recovery
 Warrington office underlines our commitment to further   following a short stay in hospital to undergo several tests.
 grow our business in the North of England. We are looking
 forward to developing long-term relationships with new   The incident response team have expressed their thanks for the
 and existing clients”.  opportunity to attend first aid and CPR training courses and for the
    agreement to have 4No AEDs installed at RAF Marham to ensure all
 The Warrington office address is G23, Wilderspool Park,   areas of the site were covered.
 TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19  Photo Caption: Key members of the team pictured at the Warrington Office   engraved; Olivia and Ella - these are the daughters of the man whose   TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19
 Greenalls Avenue, Warrington, WA4 6HL.
    You will notice, if you look closely at the lorry there are two names

 are, L-R, David McVeigh, David McAlernon, Steve Turner, Kieran McIlhatton,
    life was saved, and it is thanks to our colleagues who used their training
 Darryl McAlernon and Gary McNeil
    skills to act and to save a life.  For that we are truly grateful.

    Let this be a very valuable lesson learned for each one of us.  Please
    ensure every project site and office have adequately trained first aiders

    and equipment.

 28  and have adequate number of AEDs in place.  This is lifesaving training                                                                                         29
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