Page 223 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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214 7.3  Nutrition for Children with Chronic Diseases and Syndromes

Table 7.3.2  Foods to include or eliminate in a gluten-free diet

Food groups              Foods allowed                  Foods to eliminate            Special gluten-free foods
Group 1: Starchy foods:                                                               available
bread, rice, potatoes,   Rice, potatoes, yam, millet,
pasta and other starchy  sago, tapioca, quinoa          Any foods made from           Gluten-free flours,
foods                    Flours made from               wheat, rye, barley, spelt or  cereals, breads, crackers
                         arrowroot, buckwheat,          oats. This includes a large   and crispbreads. Some
Group 2: Fruit and       chick peas (gram flour),       range of commercial bread,    are prescribable
vegetables               corn, lentil, maize and rice   pasta, couscous, semolina,
Group 3: Milk, cheese    Some brands of corn flakes     crackers, breakfast cereals,
and yogurt               and rice krispies              pizza bases, buns, pancakes

Group 4: Meat, fish,     Fresh, frozen, tinned and      Vegetable soups thickened
eggs, nuts and pulses    dried fruits and vegetables    with wheat flour

Group 5: Foods high in   Breast milk, infant formulas,  Milk puddings that are
fat and/or sugar         follow-on milks, cow’s milk,   thickened with wheat flour
                         goat’s milk, toddler milks,
Fluids                   yogurts, cheese, milk          Any foods coated in flour, Chick pea, lentil and
                         puddings, calcium-enriched
                         soya milks, tofu               batter or breadcrumbs         gram flour

                         Meat, fish, eggs, nuts and     Biscuits, cakes, foods with   Gluten-free biscuits,
                         pulses (lentils, dhal, chick   pastry                        cakes and pastry
                         peas, hummus, kidney           Most commercial sauces
                         beans and other similar        are thickened with wheat
                         starchy beans)                 flour
                                                        Ready meals will often
                         Cream, butter, margarines,     contain flour
                         cooking and salad oils, jam,   Some drinks contain barley
                         honey, syrup, crisps, most
                         soft drinks

                         Water, milk, diluted fruit

suitability. Although foods are often marked as         coeliac disease are entitled to a certain quantity on
‘gluten free’ on the label, the ingredients list needs  prescription from their GP.
to be checked for any of the following ingredients,
which contain gluten or avenin: wheat, farina,             The prescribable foods are all allocated a unit:
flour, rusk, semolina, starch, vegetable protein,
wheatgerm and wheatgerm oil, rye, barley, barley        Food                                      No. of units
malt, oats and spelt.                                   400 g bread                               1
                                                        100–250 g rolls/baguettes                 ½
   Coeliac UK ( is the charity       250–400 g rolls/baguettes                 1
that offers support and advice to families with         500 g bread mix/flour mix                 2
coeliac disease. Each year they update their Food       100 g savoury biscuits/crackers           ½
and Drink Directory, which lists all the gluten-free    200 g savoury biscuits/crackers/          1
commercial foods available in the UK.                   crispbreads
                                                        250 g pasta                               1
Prescribable gluten-free foods                          500 g pasta                               2
                                                        2 ×110–180 g pizza bases                  1
There are many specialist food companies that
make gluten-free food products, and children with
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