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Promoting Breastfeeding Antenatally 75

   workshops. Before or at 36 weeks gestation           Cedergren M (2006) Effects of gestational weight gain
   they should receive breastfeeding                       and body mass index on obstetric outcome in
   information, including technique and good               Sweden. International Journal of Gynecology and
   management practices, such as detailed in the           Obstetrics 93(3): 269–274.
   UNICEF ‘Baby Friendly Initiative’ (www. (NICE 2008b)                   Dahl LB, Kaaresen PI, Tunby J, Handegård BH,
                                                           Kvernmo S and Rønning JA (2006) Emotional,
  Activity 1                                               behavioral, social, and academic outcomes in
                                                           adolescents born with very low birth weight.
   Develop a plan for a session with pregnant              Pediatrics 118: e449–e459.
   teenage girls. Include five key
   recommendations.                                     Datta S, Alfaham M, Davies DP, et al. (2002) Vitamin
                                                           D deficiency in pregnant women from a
  Activity 2                                               non-European ethnic minority population – an
                                                           interventional study. British Journal of Obstetrics
   Write a one-day menu including the                      and Gynaecology 109: 905–908.
   appropriate number of servings from each food
   group to provide a balanced, nutritious diet and     Department of Health (1990) Women cautioned:
   appropriate supplements for a women eating              watch your vitamin A intake. Department of
   entirely from commercially prepared foods.              Health Press Release No 90/507, Department of
                                                           Health, London.
  Activity 3
                                                        Department of Health (1991) Report No 41. Dietary
   What are the messages to communicate to                 Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for
   avoid food-borne risks?                                 the UK. Report of the Panel on Dietary Reference
                                                           Values of the Committee on Medical Aspects of
Acknowledgements                                           Food Policy. London: HMSO.
Thanks are due to Fiona Ford, Centre for Pregnancy
Nutrition, University of Sheffield.                     Department of Health (1992) Folic Acid and the
                                                           Prevention of Neural Tube Defects. Report of an
References                                                 Expert Advisory Group for the Department of
                                                           Health. London: HMSO.
Ahmed SF, Franey C, McDevitt H, et al. (2011) Recent
   trends and clinical features of childhood vitamin D  Dye TD, Knox KL, Artal R, Aubry RH and Wojtowycz
   deficiency presenting to a children’s hospital in       MA (1997) Physical activity, obesity, and diabetes
   Glasgow. Archives of Disease in Childhood 96:           in pregnancy. American Journal of Epidemiology
   694–696.                                                146(11): 961–965.

Allen LH (2005) Multiple micronutrients in              Food Standards Agency (2010) High caffeine energy
   pregnancy and lactation: an overview. American          drinks.
   Journal of Clinical Nutrition 81(5): 1206S–1212S.       energydrinks (accessed April 2012).

Artal R (2008) Weight gain recommendations in           Gluckman PD, Hanson MA and Pinal C (2005) The
   pregnancy. Expert Review of Obstetrics and              developmental origins of adult disease. Maternal
   Gynecology 3(2): 143–145.                               and Child Nutrition 1: 130–141.

Barker DJ (2008) Human growth and cardiovascular        Gregory J, Lowe S, Bates CJ, et al. (2000) National Diet
   disease. Nestlé Nutrition Workshop Services             and Nutrition Survey: Young people aged 4–18
   Pediatric Program 61: 21–38.                            years. London: The Stationery Office.

                                                        Hack M, Klein NK and Taylor HG (1995) Long-term
                                                           developmental outcomes of low birth weight
                                                           infants. Future Child 5: 176–196.

                                                        Henderson L and Hoare J (2004) National Diet and
                                                           Nutrition Survey: Adults aged 19–64 years.
                                                           London: HMSO.
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