Page 102 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 102

“Do you ever read articles about. . .?”  Assess knowledge

               “What do you know about the              Increase self-awareness, give written and
               relationship between. . .”               oral information

               “Does anyone in your family have this    Assess values, beliefs

               “Are you aware of the consequences?”     Cognitive restructuring

               “How do you feel about making a          Discuss risks and benefits

Contemplation  “What changes have you been thinking     Assess knowledge
Action         “What are the pros and cons?”            Assess values, beliefs
               “How do you feel about it?”              Assess thoughts, feelings

               “What would make it easier or harder?” Increase pros, decrease barriers

               “What would be the results of the        Self-evaluation

               “How can I help?                         Cognitive restructuring

               “Are you intending to act in the next 1–6 Self-efficacy, commitment

               “How will you do it?”                    Decision making

               “What changes have you made already?” Discuss beliefs about ability

               “How will your life be improved?”        Plan goals

               “What are you doing differently?”        Stimulus control

               “What problems are you having?”          Self-reinforcement

               “Who can help you?”                      Social support

               “How can I help?”                        Self-management

               “What do you do instead of (former       Goal setting, group sessions, self-
               behavior)?”                              monitoring, relapse prevention

               “How do you handle times when you slip Coping responses

               “What obstacles are you facing?”         Relapse prevention

               “What are your future plans?”            Self-management

               “What issues have you solved?”           Commitment, goal setting, control

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