Page 120 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 120

6C H A P T E R

               Person-Centered Counseling


   • List Rogers’ six conditions in a client relationship.
   • List and explain the principles of motivational interviewing.
   • Explain the communication methods used in motivational interviewing.
   • Explain how reflective listening is used.
   • Explain the Health Belief Theory.
   • Describe the guidelines for directive counseling.

                                     CASE CHALLENGE 1

 Robin is a 55-year-old woman referred for dietary counseling for weight loss. She has a family
 history of diabetes and was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. She is married with two grown
 children, one of whom works, but still lives at home. Her husband is employed full-time in sales.

    Robin works half-time at a retail store. She is 5’4” tall and weighs 185 lb. Her doctor suggested that she
 lose some weight to improve her blood sugar level. She indicated that she lost weight before, but gained it
 all back. She is ambivalent about changing her food habits or family food preferences.
Counseling—the art of providing listening, advice, guidance, or direction regarding an action or decision to help a
person change.

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