Page 18 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 18


What suggestions or alternatives can you give Karen to overcome any problems using any of the public
health initiatives described above? How could she use the ChooseMyPlate program in her family unit?

International Health Guidelines

Table 1-1 provides selected examples of international health guidelines that are applicable to country-specific
or general world populations including the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO)
maintains a global focus as well as an individualized focus by countries and regional areas of health and
nutrition interest. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations also monitors food-
focused guidelines. The majority of health guidelines are updated regularly and are individualized to their
intended audiences.13-15

Country        Health Guideline                                               Organization
Australia      Australia Guide to Health Eating                               Australian Government, National
                                             Health and Medical Research
                                                                              Council, Department of Health and
Canada         Canada’s Food Guide                                            Ageing
International                                                Health Canada, Office of Nutrition
               Global Targets/Country-specific                                Policy and Promotion
Philippines    guidelines
United States                                           World Health Organization, Food
                                                   and Agriculture Organization of the
                                                                              United Nations
               Philippines Dietary Reference
               Intake (PDRI) 2015                                             Food and Nutrition Research
                                                    Institute, Department of Science
               ChooseMyPlate                                                  and Technology
                                                                              United States Department of
United States  2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines                                   Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
                                                                              United States Department of
                                                                              Health and Human Services, United
                                                                              States Department of Agriculture

Table 1-1 ■ List of Selected Government Population-Focused Health Guidelines

Food and Health Survey Results

How much do people already know about nutrition and health and how are food choices affected? In 2015,

   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23