Page 226 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 226

Category         Behavioral                    Social Learning Cognitive                Andragogy

Teacher’s role   Arrange                       Serve as role model  Structure content or Facilitator
                 environment to get                                 problems with
                 desired response                                   essential features

                 Arrange                       Arrange for other    Organize            Plan, implement,
                 reinforcement                 role models          knowledge           evaluate jointly

                                                                                        Provide resources

Management       Teacher-centered Learner-centered Learner-centered Learner-centered

Learner          Passive/active                Active               Active, solve       Active
participation                                                       problems

                                               Imitate models       Test hypotheses

Motivation       Rewards motivate Both                              Internal            Internal

                                               external and

                 External                                           Use goal setting

View of learning Rote learning                 Observation of       Insight learning Performing tasks

                 Subject matter                                     Understanding       Solving problems

                 Practice in varied                                 Internal mental     Goal-oriented
                 contexts                                           process

Strategy action  Stimulus–response Social roles                     Inquiry learning    Oriented to
                                                                                        problem solving
                                                                                        and task

                 Behavioral                    Discussion           Discovery learning

                 Task analysis                 Mentoring            Simulation

                 Competency-based Role playing                      Learning to learn


Table 10-2 ■ Learning Theories and Strategies

   Other interventions are based in cognition–rational/linguistic learning theory.7 Experiences become
encoded in memory. As a result, people can organize, modify, or combine memories, resulting in new

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