Page 302 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 302

• Have I switched my smartphone to silent during the presentation?
 • Will there be a sign to announce the presentation location?
 • Will someone be introducing me, and have I given all the information I want shared with the group?

Box 13-1 ■ Checklist for Oral Presentations

   Practice the use of the media in relationship to the speaking location. Evaluate the use of media with the
available lighting and determine if a change in the lighting settings is necessary or possible. Check the
arrangements for distribution of the handouts, if applicable. Identify the person who is responsible for
introductions and verify the information as necessary.

A presenter should be familiar with the site and equipment.

   Determine the options in microphone use. Whenever possible, try to use a clip-on or wireless system,
which allows more movement than a positioned microphone at a podium. Ask for a glass of water to be
provided during the presentation. Drinking from a bottle of water is distracting.

   Be rigorous about time constraints. Bring a small travel clock or timer with large numbers to help monitor
time available or locate a clock if present. Turn off any personal electronics. Calculate prior to the presentation
actual transition times between the introduction, body, and summary of the presentation. The presenter can
also designate a member of the program committee or a colleague in the audience to signal when to begin
stating the conclusion.


 What implementation approaches would you recommend with Joan’s audience?

Voice and Diction

Vocal inflection and variation add interest and the impression of speaker enthusiasm. For some people,
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